Grilled Peach Sorbet

grilled peach sorbet
Oh dear God is it ever hot here. We’re on our ninth day of 95+ degree temps; my flowers are wilting, my lawn is brown, even my dog won’t hang out on the porch for more than five minutes.

What’s a girl to do? Why, make ice cream, of course.

Actually sorbet.

I bought the most delicious peaches this week thinking I’d make pie with them. Once I stepped outside I realized my oven wouldn’t see the light of day until the temps dropped at least 20 degrees, so out came the ice cream maker. I knew these peaches would be spectacular on their own, but I thought the extra five minutes to throw them on the grill might be exponentially worth it in flavor.

I was so right.

Fresh peaches, lightly grilled with brown sugar, pureed with some honey, sugar and a smidge of cream…total summer perfection.

A little note: This is technically not a perfect sorbet since it does contain a bit of dairy. The half and half just helps bind it together, but not enough to make it as rich as true ice cream.

Grilled Peach Sorbet

Grilled Peach Sorbet


4 large peaches (+ melted butter and brown sugar)

1/2 cup half and half

1/4 cup sugar

2 tbsp honey

pinch nutmeg

pinch salt


Cut 4 large peaches in half, pit them, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with brown sugar. Place cut side down on a 300-350 degree grill for a few minutes, until nice grill marks appear and peaches are slightly softened but not mushy.

Peel peaches (I use the term "peel" loosely -- just scoop out the flesh as best you can and don't worry if some skin gets in there) and pureee in a food processor. Add remaining ingredients and process in food processor until smooth. Chill thoroughly, at least 3 hours or overnight.

Process according to your ice cream maker’s instructions.

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  1. […] squeezing in holiday cookie testing too. It was kind of funny when, in August, I was posting about Grilled Peach Sorbet and making these peppermint cookies on the very same day. Dessert was kinda funny at our house that […]

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